Author Archives: John Barrett
"Must Have Tools" Series–
Autoruns Always the malware, trojans, spyware, adware try to add an entry to run at system bootup, and all the malware are programmed to do so. There is a lot of ways to run an application at boot time and even if some AntiViruses claims to control 100% programs autostart, very often they miss some places. The most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations are shown by Autoruns by This little utility is far better than MsConfig utility or any other system tool. Autostart locations displayed by Autoruns include logon entries, Explorer add-ons, Internet Explorer add-ons including Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), Appinit DLLs, image hijacks, boot execute images, Winlogon notification …
Free defending solutions, worse than paid ones ? No !
There is “free solutions” for fixing, maintaining or disinfect your computer worse than paid solutions? I name them solutions because there is not about a certain AntiVirus or AntiMalware, instead is about of a set of combined methods to avoid computer infections, methods which can give you the best protection, much better than a single paid AntiVirus or AntiMalware program. A paid solution is when you purchase a program for maintaining your computer like a Registry Cleaner, a Disk Cleaner or an AntiVirus for protecting or disinfect the computer, or when you pay an “expert” for doing these but they using the same programs. Almost all the System Utilities are …